Family Matters at School
Family Matters at School
Serangoon Secondary School partners with the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) to promote FamilyMatters@School, a school outreach initiative which aims to make family education more accessible to students and their parents. It seeks to help parents and students enhance the quality of family life by equipping them with the skills and confidence to build strong relationships.
Methodist Welfare Services Family Support Programme (MWS FSP) has been appointed by MSF as the FamilyMatters@School Coordinator for Serangoon Secondary School. Parents may participate in the Positive Parenting Program® (Triple P) - one of the few parenting programs in the world that is based on evidence from clinical research. This programme was developed by clinical psychologist Prof Matt Sanders at the University of Queensland, with more than 40 years of ongoing research.
Triple P’s easy-to-understand and practical strategies have been shown to help parents:
- Create a stable, supportive, harmonious family environment
- Teach children the skills they need to get along with others
- Deal positively, consistently and decisively with problem behavior
- Encourage desired behavior
- Develop realistic expectations of children and self
- Take care of themselves as parents.
Parents who wish to know more about FamilyMatters@School programmes can contact the school’s FamilyMatters@School coordinator at [email protected]